John Wall Callcott
(1766 - 1821)

Callcott : The Historians : illustration

The Historians
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This catch won a Catch Club prize Medal in 1789; commemorating the rivalry between the first two English histories of music. Both were first published in 1776 and public opinion split between preferring the work of Sir John Hawkins (academically sounder, but less socially adroit) and that of Charles Burney, who enjoyed impressive social connections. In the hocket, the disguised lyric is revealed as "Sir John Hawkins; How d'ye like him? Burn his hist'ry!"

This edition comprises a modern realisation, and a statement of the piece in its original specialised format.
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

Have you read Sir John Hawkins' hist'ry?
Some folks think it quite a myst'ry.
Music filled his wond'rous brain.
How d'ye like him; is it plain?
Both I've read and must agree,
Burney's hist'ry pleases me.