John Danby
(c.1757 - 1798)

As passing by a shady grove
(S.A.T.T.B. + reduction)
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From "The professional collection of glees for three, four and five voices. Composed by the following authors, Callcott, Cooke, Danby, Hindle Stevens and Webbe. Book price 12/-. London. Printed and sold by Preston at his wholesale warehouses, 97 Strand. Where may be had The Ladies Amusement, a collection of the most esteemed glees.."
Lyrics: Anon, probably the composer

As passing by a shady grove, I heard a linnet sing,
Whose sweetly plaintive voice of love proclaimed the cheerful spring;
His pretty accents seemed to flow as if he knew no pain,
His downy throat he tuned so sweet, it echoed o'er the plain.
"Ah! Happy warbler" I replied "contented thus to be,
'Tis only harmony and love can be compared with thee".