James Brooks
(1760 - 1809)

William and Ann
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A favorite Ballad as Sung by Master Welsh at Vauxhall, the Music by Mr Brooks of Bath, London. Printed by Lewis, Houston & Hyde, no. 45, Holborn, 1795. 27/8/95 Stat Hall.
Lyrics: Anon

Uncheering was the fatal morn,
The clouds assumed a sable hue,
When William bent his steps forlorn
To bid his lovely Ann adieu.
With anxious cares and grief oppressed,
With anxious rankling in his heart,
He clasped the fair one to his breast
And fondly cried, We soon must part.

To raging hostile seas I go,
Where Gallia's sons dispute our fame,
To hurl destruction on the foe
And vindicate the British name.
Then check, my love, that bursting tear.
Let reason's force thy grief control,
My own afflictions I can bear,
But thine distress me to the soul.

Tho' boist'rous winds around me blow.
Tho' angry billows round me swell,
For thee my constant breast shall glow,
The tender thoughts on thee shall dwell.
Thus spoke the youth and sighed adieu,
Then sought the gallant vessel's side;
Dark fate her keenest arrow drew,
And William bravely fought and died.