Samuel Howard
(c.1710 - 1782)

The Advice
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Sung at Ranelagh pleasure gardens, and pub. 1754.

This edition is available with the full string accompaniment, or with a keyboard reduction of the string parts.
Lyrics: Anon

Ye nymphs, who to the throne of Love
With hearts submissive bow,
Who hope the mutual bliss to prove
That crowns the nuptial vow;
Thro' caution's glass, by reason lent,
Oh, view your lovers clearly,
Nor think to wed till that present
The man that loves you dearly.

Still blind to wisdom's ray, the rake
No social bliss allows;
And he who long has rov'd must make
A-good-for-nothing spouse:
Nor trust the fop, tho' piteous sighs
Proclaim you've touch'd him nearly;
His own sweet charms too much he'll prize,
Nor can he love you dearly.

But when with ev'ry manly grace
A youth of soul refined,
Who doting on your form and face
Thinks brighter still your mind:
When such shall for the favour sue,
Oh, yield your hand sincerely;
And you'll love him, and he'll love you,
To life's last monent dearly.