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Leonhart Schröter
(c.1532 - 1601)
Christe qui lux es a 6
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Christe qui lux es a 6
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This work, Schröter : Christe qui lux es a 6 : scoreid 147246, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as https://www.notamos.co.uk/147246.shtml. Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at https://www.notamos.co.uk/about.shtml.
Compline hymn in one of four alternative settings from Hymni sacri, Erfurt, 1587.
All four published settings (4, 5, 6 and 8 voices) are of the first verse only. Verses 2 - 7 have been imported editorially and verses have been made interchangeable (re-iterated voicings, etc,) within the discrete settings. Thus the performer may integrate differing verses (and the unharmonized plainsong) to present an entire hymn of varied textures and sonorities.
All four published settings (4, 5, 6 and 8 voices) are of the first verse only. Verses 2 - 7 have been imported editorially and verses have been made interchangeable (re-iterated voicings, etc,) within the discrete settings. Thus the performer may integrate differing verses (and the unharmonized plainsong) to present an entire hymn of varied textures and sonorities.
Lyrics: Anon
Christe qui lux es et dies, Noctis tenebras detegis,
Lucisque lumen crederis, Lumen beatum praedicans.
Precamur Sancte Domine, Defende nos in hac nocte,
Sit nobis in te requies, Quietam noctem tribue.
Ne gravis somnus irruat, Nec hostis nos surripiat,
Nec caro illi consentiens, Nos tibi reos statuat.
Oculi somnum capiant, Cor ad te semper vigilet,
Dextera tua protegat Famulos qui te diligunt.
Defensor noster aspice, Insidiantes reprime,
Guberna tuos famulos, Quos sanguine mercatus es
Memento nostri Domine In gravi isto corpore,
Qui es defensor animae, Adesto nobis Domine.
Deo Patri sit gloria, Eiusque soli Filio,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Et nunc et in perpetuum.
Trans. Miles Coverdale:
O Christ that art the light & day, Thou discoverest the darkness of night,
The light of lights thou art alway, Preaching ever the blessed light.
Thou holy Lord to thee we pray, Defend us all in this dark night,
Let us have rest in thee alway, And grant us all a quiet night.
Let not heavy sleep on us fall, Nor let the fiend take us away,
Let not our flesh consent withal, To make us guilty by night nor day.
Let our eyes take their sleep natural, But let our hearts wake to thee still,
With thy right hand defend us all, Thy servants true that loue thee well.
Look on us Lord our defender, Put them down that would us no good,
Keep thy servants in good order, Whom thou hast bought with thy dear blood.
Lord call us now unto thy mind, In this body that is so heavy
Thou that dost ever our soul defend, Be present now with thy mercy.
God the Father for evermore, With Iesu Christ his son only,
And the Holy Ghost our comforter, Be thanked alway heartily.
Christe qui lux es et dies, Noctis tenebras detegis,
Lucisque lumen crederis, Lumen beatum praedicans.
Precamur Sancte Domine, Defende nos in hac nocte,
Sit nobis in te requies, Quietam noctem tribue.
Ne gravis somnus irruat, Nec hostis nos surripiat,
Nec caro illi consentiens, Nos tibi reos statuat.
Oculi somnum capiant, Cor ad te semper vigilet,
Dextera tua protegat Famulos qui te diligunt.
Defensor noster aspice, Insidiantes reprime,
Guberna tuos famulos, Quos sanguine mercatus es
Memento nostri Domine In gravi isto corpore,
Qui es defensor animae, Adesto nobis Domine.
Deo Patri sit gloria, Eiusque soli Filio,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Et nunc et in perpetuum.
Trans. Miles Coverdale:
O Christ that art the light & day, Thou discoverest the darkness of night,
The light of lights thou art alway, Preaching ever the blessed light.
Thou holy Lord to thee we pray, Defend us all in this dark night,
Let us have rest in thee alway, And grant us all a quiet night.
Let not heavy sleep on us fall, Nor let the fiend take us away,
Let not our flesh consent withal, To make us guilty by night nor day.
Let our eyes take their sleep natural, But let our hearts wake to thee still,
With thy right hand defend us all, Thy servants true that loue thee well.
Look on us Lord our defender, Put them down that would us no good,
Keep thy servants in good order, Whom thou hast bought with thy dear blood.
Lord call us now unto thy mind, In this body that is so heavy
Thou that dost ever our soul defend, Be present now with thy mercy.
God the Father for evermore, With Iesu Christ his son only,
And the Holy Ghost our comforter, Be thanked alway heartily.