Claudio Merulo
(1533 - 1604)

Merulo : Hodie beata Virgo Maria : illustration

Hodie beata Virgo Maria
(S.A.T.T.B. + reduction)
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This work, Merulo : Hodie beata Virgo Maria : scoreid 145444, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
From Sacræ Cantiones, Nuremberg, 1585, a collection of Italian motets edited by Frederic Lindner.
Lyrics: Latin Antiphon

Hodie beata Virgo Maria puerum Jesum praesentavit in templo, et Simeon, repletus Spiritu Sancto, accepit eum in ulnas suas, et benedixit eum in aeternum.

Today the Blessed Virgin Mary presented the child Jesus in the temple, and Simeon, filled with the Holy Spirit, took Him in his arms, and blessed Him for ever.