Benjamin Milgrove
(1731 - 1810)

Milgrove : Rise up, my spouse, thy bridegroom waits : illustration

Rise up, my spouse, thy bridegroom waits
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This work, Milgrove : Rise up, my spouse, thy bridegroom waits : scoreid 145650, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Milgrove was Precentor of the Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel in Bath (see illustration). This setting comes from his second (of three) collections of "hymns as they are sung at the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon's chappel in Bath". The general congregation (sometimes divided into men and women) should sing the Air, accompanying harmonies to be taken by the choir.
Lyrics: Anon

Rise up, my spouse, thy bridegroom waits,
Unwearied at thy temple gates,
Thy fainting soul to cheer:
Open to me, I will thee bless,
And clothe me with my righteousness,
And banish all thy fear.

All reas'ning thoughts I will remove,
And tell thee of my dying love,
Thy soul to captivate:
Upon my head the dews distil,
The evening drops my locks do fill.
While I to bless thee wait.

What pleasing voice is this I hear?
Soul, 'tis the Lamb, thy master dear,
'Tis Jesus, none but He:
O, bid me, Jesus, bid me come,
And take a weary traveller home;
I long to be set free.

Let my poor soul in Thee find rest,
And leaning on thy loving breast,
Cast all my griefs away:
Screen me beneath the cooling shade,
Which is for weary pilgrims made,
To cheer them by the way.