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Giovanni Matteo Asola
(c.1532 - 1609)
Laudate Dominum de caelis
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Laudate Dominum de caelis
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From sacræ Sancti Dei Laudes, Venice, 1600.
Lyrics: Psalm 148, v.1-5,12; 150, v.1,3-6
Laudate Dominum de caelis; laudate eum in excelsis.
Laudate eum, omnes angeli ejus; laudate eum, omnes virtutes ejus.
Laudate eum, sol et luna; laudate eum, omnes stellae et lumen.
Laudate eum, caeli caelorum; et aquae omnes quae super caelos sunt, laudent nomen Domini.
Iuvenes et virgines; senes cum iunioribus, laudent nomen Domini.
Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus; laudate eum in firmamento virtutis ejus.
Laudate eum in sono tubae; laudate eum in psalterio et cithara.
Laudate eum in tympano et choro; laudate eum in chordis et organo.
Laudate eum in cymbalis benesonantibus; laudate eum in cymbalis jubilationis.
Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.
O praise the Lord of heaven: praise him in the height.
Praise him, all ye angels of his: praise him, all his host.
Praise him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars and light.
Praise him, all ye heavens: and ye waters that are above the heavens.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord.
Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of the Lord.
O praise God in his holiness : praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him in the sound of the trumpet: praise him upon the lute and harp.
Praise him in the cymbals and dances: praise him upon the strings and pipe.
Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals: praise him upon the loud cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath: praise the Lord.
Laudate Dominum de caelis; laudate eum in excelsis.
Laudate eum, omnes angeli ejus; laudate eum, omnes virtutes ejus.
Laudate eum, sol et luna; laudate eum, omnes stellae et lumen.
Laudate eum, caeli caelorum; et aquae omnes quae super caelos sunt, laudent nomen Domini.
Iuvenes et virgines; senes cum iunioribus, laudent nomen Domini.
Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus; laudate eum in firmamento virtutis ejus.
Laudate eum in sono tubae; laudate eum in psalterio et cithara.
Laudate eum in tympano et choro; laudate eum in chordis et organo.
Laudate eum in cymbalis benesonantibus; laudate eum in cymbalis jubilationis.
Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum.
O praise the Lord of heaven: praise him in the height.
Praise him, all ye angels of his: praise him, all his host.
Praise him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars and light.
Praise him, all ye heavens: and ye waters that are above the heavens.
Let them praise the Name of the Lord.
Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of the Lord.
O praise God in his holiness : praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him in the sound of the trumpet: praise him upon the lute and harp.
Praise him in the cymbals and dances: praise him upon the strings and pipe.
Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals: praise him upon the loud cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath: praise the Lord.