Johannes Nucius
(c.1556 - 1620)

Si bona suscepimus II
(S.A.T.T.B. (or A.T.B.B.B.))
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This work, Nucius : Si bona suscepimus II : scoreid 147549, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
The second of two settings of this text from Cantionum sacrarum... liber primus, Legnica, 1609. This edition is offered at original pitch (high chiavetti) for S.A.T.T.B. or transposed down a fifth for A.T.B.B.B.
Lyrics: Job, ch.1, v.21; ch.2, v.10

Si bona suscepimus de manu Domini, mala autem quare non sustineamus?
Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit: sicut Domino placuit, ita factum est.
Sit nomen Domini benedictum.
Nudus egressus sum de utero matris mei, et nudus revertar illuc.
Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit: sicut Domino placuit, ita factum est.
Sit nomen Domini benedictum.

Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away: even as it hath pleased the Lord, so cometh things to pass.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away: even as it hath pleased the Lord, so cometh things to pass.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.