Pierre Passereau
(c.1485 - c.1540)

Passereau : Marie montrait à sa dame : illustration

Marie montrait à sa dame
(S.A.T.B. (or A.T.T.B.))
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This work, Passereau : Marie montrait à sa dame : scoreid 148502, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as https://www.notamos.co.uk/detail.php?scoreid=148502. Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at https://www.notamos.co.uk/index.php?sheet=about.
Pub. Paris, 1547.This edition is offered at original pitch for S.A.T.B. or transposed down a fourth for A.T.T.B.
Lyrics: Anon

Marie montrait à sa dame
Un dizain qu'un autre avait fait.
"J'ai fait celà par sus mon âme";
Ce dit elle, mais en effet
La mine qu'elle contrefait
Montre bien que pas fait ne là.
À donc la maîtresse parla
À Marie et lui dit ainsi:
"Je crois bien qu'avez fait celà,
Mais vous n'avez pas fait ceci".

Marie shewed her mistress a sonnet
Which had been written by someone else.
I composed this, upon my soul",
She said, but actually,
her expression said otherwise.
So her mistress spoke to Marie
And said this:
"I know you've fabricated that,
But you haven't fabricated this".