Antoine de Mornable
(c.1515 - c.1553)

Jamais je ne confesserais
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This work, Mornable : Jamais je ne confesserais : scoreid 148732, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Pub. 1542.
Lyrics: Anon

Jamais je ne confesserais
qu'amour d'elle ne m'a su poindre;.
Aimant suis & trop je serais,
si son cœur au mien voulait joindre.
Si mon mal quiers m'amour n'est moindre,
Ni moins prise le dieu qui volle.
Si je suis fol amour m'affolle,
Et voudrais tant j'ai d'amitié,
Quantant que moi elle fut folle
Pour etre plus fol la moitié.

I would never own
That love for her had not dawned on me.
I love, and will do to excess,
Should her heart wish to entwine with mine.
If I seek hurt my love does not diminish,
Nor does Cupid take less.
If I am foolish, it is love that makes me silly,
And, because I have such friendhip, I would wish
That however foolish she is,
I would be so twice as much.