Elizabeth Turner
(fl.1750 - 1756)

Come lyrist, tune thy harp
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This work, Turner : Come lyrist, tune thy harp : scoreid 148784, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as https://www.notamos.co.uk/148784.shtml. Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at https://www.notamos.co.uk/about.shtml.
Published in "A Collection of Songs with Symphonies", London, 1756.
Lyrics: Anacreon (trans. William Broome)

Come lyrist, tune thy harp and play
Responsive to my vocal lay;
Ah! Gently touch it while I sing
The rose, the glory of the Spring.
When Venus, from the ocean's bed,
Rais'd o'er the waves her lovely head,
To grace the world, the teeming Earth
(With fragrance) gave the infant birth.

In fabled song and tuneful lays,
The fav'rite rose the Muses praise;
To pluck the rose, the virgin train
With blood their pretty fingers stain.
See how they wave the charming toy;
Now kiss, now snuff the fragrant joy;
Nor dread the pointed terrors round,
Which threaten and inflict a wound.

Oh! ever lovely, ever sweet,
The object where thy beauties meet;
Aurora, with a blushing ray
And rosy fingers spreads the day.
The Graces more enchanting show,
When rosy blushes paint their snow;
And ev'ry pleas'd beholder seeks
The rose in Delamira's cheeks.