Friedrich Weissensee
(c.1560 - 1622)

Das neugeborne Kindelein
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This work, Weissensee : Das neugeborne Kindelein : scoreid 148800, as published by notAmos Performing Editions, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All relevant attributions should state its URL as Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available at
Publ. Magdeburg, 1602.
Lyrics: Cyriacus Schneegaß

Das neugeborne Kindelein,
das Herzeliebe Jesulein,
bringt abermal ein neues Jahr
[der auserwählten Christenschaar].

Deß freuen sich die Engelein,
die gerne um und bei uns sein;
sie singen in den Lüften frei,
daß Gott mit uns versöhnet sei.

Ist Gott versöhnt und unser Freund,
was kann uns thun der arge Feind?
Trotz Teufel und der Höllen Pfort!
das Jesulein ist unser Hort.

Er bringt das rechte Jubeljahr;
was trauren wir denn immerdar?
Frisch auf, jetzt ist es Singens Zeit,
das Jesulein wend't alles Leid.

This little newborn child, the dearest infant Jesus, brings again a new year [for his chosen Christian band].

Therefore, the angels, who gladly stay around us and beside us, rejoice and sing throughout the skies, that God is reconciled with us.

If then God is reconciled and is our friend, what can the evil enemy do to us? Despite devil, world, and gates of hell, the infant Jesus is our refuge.

He brings a true jubilee year of freedom. How can we mourn for evermore? Arise and come away, it is the time for singing; the infant Jesus will change all our sorrow.