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Philipp Dulichius
(1562 - 1631)
Beatus vir qui habet uxorem
(S.S.A.T.B. (or S.A.T.T.B.))
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Beatus vir qui habet uxorem
(S.S.A.T.B. (or S.A.T.T.B.))
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Publ. Stettin, 1593. This edition is offered at original pitch (high chiavette) for S.S.A.T.B. or transposed down a fourth for S.A.T.T.B.
Lyrics: Ecclesiasticus 6: 1-4 (adapted)
Beatus vir qui habet uxorem virtute præstantem; huius enim vita duplicatur.
Generosa mulier est marito lætitiæ et adfert ei tranquillitatem vitæ.
Proba mulier est pr&ae;ig;clarum donum et dabitur timenti Dominum.
Tam dives quam pauper habet solatium et laelig;titiam omni tempore.
Blessed is the man that hath a wife of exceptional rectitude; for the length of his days shall be multiplied.
An unstinting woman is joy to her husband and affords him peace of mind.
A moral woman is an exceptional gift, and occasions reverence for God.
Men, both rich and poor, have comfort and joy all their days.
Beatus vir qui habet uxorem virtute præstantem; huius enim vita duplicatur.
Generosa mulier est marito lætitiæ et adfert ei tranquillitatem vitæ.
Proba mulier est pr&ae;ig;clarum donum et dabitur timenti Dominum.
Tam dives quam pauper habet solatium et laelig;titiam omni tempore.
Blessed is the man that hath a wife of exceptional rectitude; for the length of his days shall be multiplied.
An unstinting woman is joy to her husband and affords him peace of mind.
A moral woman is an exceptional gift, and occasions reverence for God.
Men, both rich and poor, have comfort and joy all their days.